November 27, 2012

Gift Packaging

I had a few buyers take advantage of my Cyber Monday sale of a free gift with every purchase over $10. I sure hope they like their gift (keeping it a secret in case a buyer reads this before they receive their shipment). 

Now it's time to update my Etsy store's sale for the holidays. Hmm... what to offer..... 

How about 25% off the entire order? My jewelry is already affordable, so that sale would make it a no brainer to order a gift for a friend or family member. 

I've got over 80 items in my shop right now and I have to edit each one individually. Etsy really needs to implement a global editor so save sellers some time!

A few weeks ago I ordered new jewelry boxes and stickers with my logo on them so my packaging is more gift-friendly. They should be here tomorrow.... yay! I think I'll set up a photo shoot with my new packaging and add a photo to every product so customers can see how their items will be shipped to them. This is my version of keeping up with the Jones'.

I love Etsy stores that do that! Check out WolfwoodCreations on Etsy. I love their jewelry packaging (see photo to the right)! The owner of WolfwoodCreations was nice enough to tell me where she got those adorable gift boxes. If you're in the market for some I suggest using her supplier, Rio Grande. I should've asked her about those boxes before I ordered my white ones. At least I have logo stickers and other craft supplies to spice them up a bit! 

Do you use gift boxes when shipping your items out? Comment and tell us what you do to stand out. If you're a buyer tell us your opinion on gift packaging. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep on working, great job!

    My page - ()
