April 6, 2013

Postcard Inspiration

Years ago, back in 2008, a friend loaned me a neat book called Post Secret. I'm not usually much of a book reader... at all. This book was more up my alley because it was entirely made from postcards, kinda like a picture book. This dirty secret book drew me in and hooked my interest. It's entire premise was based on anonymous post cards sent to the author with secrets drawn on them. I admit, the art wasn't anything to write home about, but the dirty little secrets were sometimes jaw dropping, which kept me turning pages to see how outrageous the next secret was. One of the most memorable was how a young woman had a crush on Hitler. 

Anyhow, I started randomly thinking about this book tonight, and then I started thinking about how receiving postcards, letters, and packages in the mail really brightens my day (and doesn't happen often enough). Once these two thoughts started to merge my brain was on overload! 

What if I were to take the same idea with receiving postcards or letters in the mail and compile a book about dreams and inspiration. I get what I like to call "artist's block" a lot, but all the books I've been able to find to unlock my next big idea are more how-to books and feel stale. I want to create a page turner that will appeal to every artistic soul looking for a sneak peak into the lives of other artists and crafters. Seriously, to be the fly on someone else's craft room wall for a moment would be amazing!

I've been reading this book (don't judge me) called The Everything Guide to Writing a Novel. My dad has said for years that he's always wanted to write a novel. During our novel-writing chats I started to get the itch to write something, too. I've always been creative, and I absolutely love expanding my artistic abilities. 

When I was 10 I vividly remember begging my mom for this book about how a woman (I'm sure her name is floating somewhere in my memory banks) became a writer. She was reluctant to buy it for me because she didn't think I realized what the book was about. Honestly, how may 10 year old girls request autobiographies at their school's book fair? I wore those pages out and knew I wanted to do something creative that touched the world like she had. I was fascinated by authors and poets! So yes, I bought my how-to book last September and began brainstorming. 

Oh, and you'll be happy to know that my dad has actually written a few pages of his book already! He's such an inspiration to me. 

My first idea was to write about my roller-coaster ride of relationships (which still may happen) but I was overwhelmed with the details right away. I put writing on the back burner for months, fearing that I'd waste all that time and energy just to find out that I suck at it. (Yes, shame on me...) When I got that familiar itch to write again I started this blog, which I love. Honestly, I've wanted to try blogging since I saw that movie Julie & Juliet. The thought of connecting to so many strangers who become fans and and friends (let's avoid the stalkers, okay?) is such a rush

So there it is in a jumbled 2am nutshell - I want to enlist the help of strangers to collect a book of inspiring thoughts, colors, images, and what-not. I'll spend some time tomorrow making sure my exact idea hasn't been done yet, and then I'll get the details down on paper (or in a blog text box, whatever). 
I'd love to hear what you have to say! Comment below or email me at uphilldreams@gmail.com

Hopefully, if my idea plants roots and grows, I'll be asking for letters and postcards soon, too! I would love to send something back to each and every person who writes me (I feel like I need to specify "snail mail" which is becoming a dying art form in itself). I'm getting very excited thinking about staying up until 4am writing thank you letters to all the hundreds of people who participate in my book to help other artists. Oh, I can't wait!

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