November 16, 2012

Tophatter Beads

The new seed beads I ordered arrived in the mail today. I won them on Tophatter for $8 last week from seller Kim Lauria

It was the first time I ordered something from Kim, but I will keep an eye out for more from her now because these beads are exactly what I was looking for! Check out her Tophatter seller's profile HERE.

I'm so addicted to Tophatter... it's not even funny. Well, maybe it's worth a chuckle. I buy supplies from their auctions at least twice a month, and I sell what I make on their site, too. Earlier this year I was asked to be an auction host volunteer. I enjoy hosting the handmade auction and supporting other artisans

Well, I'm off to make a custom bracelet that I sold on Tophatter today. After that's done I've got plans to use that bag of mixed beads with one other solid color in a Russian spiral bracelet. I'll take photos for you, I promise.